RARE 50th Anniversary — A Musical History of Disneyland 6CDs plus book. For fans of Disneyland, Disney music, or both, this is the most extensive, best put together, longest set of park music ever put out. At a whopping 7 1/2+ hour running time, this collection can certainly sate even the most ardent Disney maniac, and if you listen to the whole thing in a row, you might just start hallucinating and believe you are actually physically in the park. The 65 track collection covers pretty much every major attraction of Disneyland’s first 50 years as well as some minor ones, and the remastered recordings truly sound great. The set includes a book that speaks specifically about the park and its music. The coffee table-style book is in beautiful full-color, and details the development of music in the park on a land-by-land format. The CDs, book, inserts, and case are in perfect mint condition.